Evelyn’s of Sussex

Our Ingredients


Our Ingredients

We only use the finest quality ingredients ensuring that you get the very best from our products they are NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS, with no parabens, sulphates, palm oil, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrances, artificial colours or silicones.

All products have full Cosmetic Safety certification and VEGAN.

Abysinian Oil - Brassica Abysinica Origin              Skin softening, a light oil very moisturising and spreads easily without clogging. Used in a lot of hair care products, eliminatesd any greasy build up, tames and nourishes hair. Contains natural vitamins A,B1,2,6 Vit C,E, proteins and minerals. 

Aloe Vera Gel - Barbardensis
Extremely moisturising, antimicrobial and anticeptic. A fine healing agent for burns, cuts and inflammed skin. Is a great carrier for essential oils. Widely used in skin products.

Argon Oil - Argania Spinosa                                 Highly valued for its anti aging properties, packed with natural vitamins rich in vit E, helps to reduce wrinkles, soothes inflammation, protects against free radicals, sun and winds. Non greasy, safe round the eyes. Good for dull, saggy skin which lacks vitality. Very benificial when used in hair products.

Baobab Oil - Adansonia digitata Origin                 Called the Tree of Life, intenseley rich, high in Vit A, F, being vital for skin rejuvenation. Anti aging antioxidant also rich in Vit D, E, Omega 3,6,9. Oil is highly penetrating and has a softening effect of skin and hair.

Bergamot - Citrus Bergamia                                  Heals lots of skin complaints in 1% dilution, good anticeptic. Helps clear acne, oily eczema, saborrhoea (too much sebum) of the scalp, herpes, psoriasis, ulcers, wounds, cold sores, spots. Deodorising, helps with urinary tract infections.

Black Pepper - Piper nigram                                 General stimulant,in digestive and respiratory systems,  brings blood to cold conditions, good for chilblains, sore muscles.

 Cedarwood Atlas - Cedrus Atlantica                     Principally anticeptic and diuretic also very good for the skin. Acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, greasy skin, fungal infections, hair loss, skin eruptions and irritations. Cleanses scalp and hair roots, relieves itching. Calms in times of fear.

Cypress - Cupressus sempervirens                       Stops anything that flows in excess, oily overhydrated skin. Excessive perspiration, varicose veins, softening walls of hardened arteries,  wounds, dandruff, oily scalp, cellulite, oedema, poor cirulation, bedwetting. Soothes uncontrollable weepiness, helps collect scattered thoughts.

Borage Seed oil - Borago Officinalis                      Very rich in essential fatty acids, is the richest source of GLA and omega fatty acid being the key building block in the production of the body's  regulatory hormones. Fantastic for dry/damages skin.

Camillia - (White Tea) Camillia Kissi Origin          Renowned for its anti aging properties, excellent for skin/hair/nails conditioning. Good for dry/damaged skin, in eye products and after sun products. Very light and easily absorbed. Safe for babies.

Castor Oil - Ricinis Cumminis Origin                      Wonderful for the skin, very rich so you don't need much, but has a great effect. Naturally anticeptic, antifungal and antiviral. Deeply absorbant, promotes collagen and elastin in the skin. Hydrating and healing, high in Omega oils. Strengthends hair follicles, prevents split ends/thinning hair, revives and protects hair.

Cinnamon leaf - Cinnamonum zeylanicum            Stimulates body secretions, immune system and anything menstral. Eases scabies, wasp stings, toothache, gum care. Smells like Christmas, comforts the head and mind.

Frankincense - Boswellia carterii                           The most fantastic oil is prized for skincare. Rejuvenating, astringent, wrinkles, mature complexions, blemishes, dryness, scars, wounds, tones loose skin, ulcers. Good on mucus membranes, shortness of breath, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, deepens the breath. Good for people confused and drepressed, burn out. Slows the breath and heartbeat, calms the soul. Good for meditation. 

Juniper Berry - Juniperus Communis                     Stimulates the circulation, excretory system, digestive and respiratory systems. Cellulitis, conditions marked by cold fear. Promotes excretions of toxins, blood purifier, fluid retention, gout, arthritis. Oily skin, eczema, hair loss, cleanses and tones the skin, purifying and rubefacient (brings blood to area).

Ginger - Zingiber officinalis                                    General tonic, great for warming up on any level, good digestive tonic/stimulant, poor circulation, muscle fatigue, sprains, rheumatism.

Hemp oil - Cannabis Sativa                                    Clinically proven to alleviate dry/damaged skin. Hemp has the highest level of essential fatty acids EFA 80% rich in Omega 3. Also the richest source of PUFA's know for its emollient and lubricating properties so excellent to use in hair care products. Rich in vitamin E supports skin during the aging process, lowering chemical levels that contribute to wrinkles forming and sagging skin.

Rosehip oil - Rosa Canina fruit                              Clinically tested to minimise the appearance of wrinkles soothing and dramatically improving skin moisture levels. An amazing oil believed to be the best available oil for anti aging and skin rejuvenation. Studies show astounding evidence that Rosehip oil contains Vit A which helps delay the signs of aging, assists in cell regeneration, promotes Collagen and elastin. Also rich in Vit E and linolenic acid which are importnt skin nutrients. Good to use on stretch marks, uv damage, scars, ezema, wrinkles and aging, dull skin.

Shea Butter - Butyrospermen Parkii
Wonderfully moisturising and regenerative for skin protecting skin from harmful UV rays.  Leaves skin soft and supple.

Calendula officinalis - Marigold
Protects sore dry skin, assists with rapid healing having a powerful yet gentle action.

Comfrey leaf - Symphytum Officinale
Comfrey has impressive wound healing properties stimulating cell regeneration and can guard against scar tissue developing. It reduces pore size and rejuvenates the skin. A wonderfully versatile oil it soothes bruises and knocks and softens skin.

Ylang Ylang essential oil - Cananga Odorata
Ylang Ylang means Flower of Flowers. The yellow flowers are picked at dawn in early summer.  The oil is very effective at slowing down breathing.  Good for both dry and oily skin in its balancing effect. Calms and quietens the emotions, relaxes facial muscles, is said to be an aphorodisiac and sedative.   

Red Thyme -Thymus Vulgaris                                Abcess, bruises, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, insect repellent, oily skin. Asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, fortifies the lungs, helps eliminate phlegm.

Sweet Orange essential oil -  Citrus Aurantium
An oil that helps to lift the spirits, seeming to carry feelings of joy with it.  Good as a bath oil and helps to support oily
or dull complexions. Good during periods of hard work, is antidepressant. Care with sensitive skin.

Coconut oil - Cocos Nusifera
A good moisturising oil protecting the skin. Contains natural vitamins.

Sunflower oil - Helianthus Annus
Rich in Vitamin A, E and D and close in molecular structure to our own sebum. An excellent carrier oil not being a nut oil so safe for people with nut allergies. Greek physicians  used to bathe new born babes with this oil to moisturise and condition their skins. It is very high in essential fatty acids. 

Sea Buckthorn - Hippophea Rhamnoides
Helps to treat leathery thickened skin which causes severe itching. Regenerates cells and is very high in Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids. Helps thread veins fade and protects against the elements.

Lavender essential oil - Lavendula Angustifolia
Has a dramatic healing effect on burns and wounds. Is anticeptic and analgesic, because of its rapid healing properties it helps to prevent scarring.  Has a natural sedative action and is good to ease aches and pains when used in a massage oil. Aids restful sleep and brings balance.

Geranium essential oil- Pelagonium Graveolens
Cleanses sluggish oily skin, dermatitis, scars, acne and bruising. Promotes rapid healing and stimulates the lymphatic system. Helps relieve fluid retention and congestion lifts the spirits. Is a tonic for the liver and kidneys.

Patchouli essential oil - Pogostemon Cablin
For the skin it gives anticeptic, anti inflammatory and bacterial protection. Very good for cracked, chapped skin, weeping eczema, wounds and bites. A tissue regenerative helping to fade wrinkles.  Helps to gather thoughts if wooly minded and can have a rejuvenating effect. 

Pomegranate seed oil - Punica Cranatum
Has a remarkable ability to nourish moisturise and repair skin. Revialises dull mature skin.  It has natural eostrogens is antioxident and anti-inflammatory, strengthening the epidermis and assists in collagen production. It has a very strong sun protection factor, reversing damage of sun exposure. 

Rose Absolute Morocco essential oil - Rosa Damascena
Thought to be the first flower from which an essential oil was ever distilled. Is known as the Queen of flowers.  A very feminine oil great for regenerating skin cells, helps to restore dry, mature, red inflamed skin. Is also a cleansing, purifying oil that is also a tonic.

Sandalwood essential oil - Santalun Spicatum
Used for centuries for its wonderful scent, it helps to clear acne,chapped or itchy skin, rashes, teenage spots and blemishes. Lubricates the skin and is a diuretic. Good in mens cosmetics and is said to have aphrodisiac properties.

Sesame oil - Sesamum Indicum
Has lots of vitamins and minerals that feed the skin. Is a good sun filter especially good for dry skin.

Jojoba oil - Simmondsia Chenensis
Contain Vitamin E, unblocks pores and helps to clear acne. Very moisturising and anti inflammatory.

Vitamin E - Tocopherol
Very good for all types of skin. Rich in anti oxidents to protect against the elements. Restores the skin and assists in the healing process. 

Wheatgerm - Triticum Vulgare
Rich in Vitamin E is a natural preservative and a rich orange colour. Powerfully regenerative of skin cells.

Hazelnut oil - Corylus avellana
Good as a sunscreen is slightly astringent so good for oily skin.  Is easily absorbed and has natural vitamins.

Tea Tree essential oil - Melaleuca Alternifolia
Is a natural antibiotic 12x stronger than carbolic acid. Good masculine smell and one of the most powerful antibiotics is anti fungal, antiviral and antiseptic.  Good for athletes foot, cold sores, verrucae and chickenpox sores. Rashes including nappy rash (1 drop in water to wash area). A good immune stimulant.

Mandarin essential oil - Citrus Nobolis
Helps to prevent stretch marks in pregnancy. Good for scars and spots. Is safe to use with children and the elderly, in dilution 3 drops essential to teaspoon of carrier oil,  good in a burner.

Sweet Marjoram essential oil - Orenagnum Marjorana
A very strong sedative and good for 'cold' conditions. Helps relieve the pain of arthritis, aches and weariness. Warms and relaxes. Soothes chilblains.

Eucalyptus essential oil - Eycalyptus Globulus
The best decongestant. Excellent at clearing blocked noses, on a hankie or in a burner. Helps to regenerate lung tissue and assists the whole breathing process. Aids concentration and logical thought.

Lemon essential oil - Citrus Limonum
A powerful anticeptic and bacteriacidal. Good for athletes foot, excessive perspiration, fleas, lice etc. (also in animals) good in a shampoo. Helps with morning grumpiness.

Rosemary essential oil - Rosmaranis Officinalis
A stimulating oil helps blemished skin, tones sagging skin having a stimulating effect. It eases sore tired muscles in massage preparations. It helps clear dandruff and is good for greasy hair.

Myrrh essential oil - Commiphora Myrrha
Used by the Ancient Greeks to cure battle wounds. Helps clear spots especially if skin is moist, athletes foot, chapped, cracked skin. Very good for mature complexions. Also an excellent healing mouth wash, 2 drops in a little water, sloosh round mouth. 

Peppermint essential oil - Mentha piperita
Good for any skin irritation, toxic congestion, sunburn, itching or irritation. It strengthens the skins natural defences. Keep away from eyes and children.

Thyme essential oil - Thymus Vulgaris
Anticeptic and cleansing. Good for any skin damage , insect bites, gum infections, oily skin.



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